After watching a few videos regarding the use of technology within classrooms and their benefits, two of the videos stuck with me, the first being A Vision of K-12 Students Today. This video could be seen as motivation for teachers to start taking the fact that students love using their iPods, laptops, and cell phones as a form of communication and learning into consideration when teaching these students. The students shown range in age from primary school age to high school, and in lieu of speaking, instead hold up whiteboards with statistics or facts about what is presumably their thoughts on how they're being taught in school. For example, one child's board read "14% of teachers let me create something new with technology", while another kid's board read "76% of my teachers have never used wikis, podcasts..." and so on. I found these facts to be interesting and somewhat eye-opening, but also realize that this video was uploaded six years ago in 2007. I realized that MANY of these statistics have changed since then, perhaps drastically. I say this because while having been enrolled in education classes for the past six years, I know that many degrees are beginning to require classes about the use of technology in classrooms, and professional development workshops are offered quite often within schools, at least the Buffalo Public Schools I am familiar with. However, I do also realize that many thoughts and ideas the children conveyed still hold true with many current students who wish to be able to interact more with technology while being taught. This video was pretty interesting and definitely brings the thought to my mind: How can I help my students develop high level thinking skills with the use of technology? (Side-note: I found one viewer's comment on this video amusing as they pointed out "For a video trying to emphasize the importance of technology, I find it odd that they communicate almost entirely by whiteboard....")
A Still from
Another YouTube video titled